HeliganChess is a chess coaching initiative based in Devonport on Auckland's North Shore, and run by Dr Helen Milligan. Its main aim is to improve the chess understanding of students in the rating range 1000 to 1700, with a view to better tournament and Interschools results.
Dr Helen Milligan
The Coach: Dr Helen Milligan is a licensed FIDE Instructor and International Arbiter, holding over the board CM and WFM titles. She has competed internationally for decades, initially for Scotland and recently for New Zealand. Her travels around the world have given her an appreciation of the value of chess in breaking down cultural and communication barriers, and her education (up to PhD level) an insight into the usefulness of chess as a complement to the basic school curriculum.
She is co-author of the beginners' best-seller, Chess for Children
If you are keen to improve and enthusiastic about chess, then HeliganChess is for you!
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Novices will be guided to self-improvement by means of the internationally acclaimed Steps Method. More advanced students will benefit from lessons based on the series of books published by world-famous instructional author Artur Yusupov: Chess Fundamentals and Beyond the Basics
The emphasis during lessons will be on working with the coach, analysing positions on the chessboard, solving problems rather than memorising move sequences. Students will be encouraged to record their games and bring them for discussion. Suggestions for appropriate further reading will be made and relevant books will be available at discounted prices.
Basic rate $50 per lesson. The rate is per hour; two students may be taught together.
Students who have taken a minimum of 5 lessons will be able to sit tests for NZCF badges (Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook); badges and certificates will be awarded free if the required standard is reached.
Lessons can be held at any time subject to the availability of the coach - she may be off playing in a tournament or working as an arbiter! All lessons are currently held online.
The national NZCF Interschools competition has been an important event in New Zealand for many years. Regional qualifying events for school teams of four players (with the option of a fifth as reserve) take place throughout the country and the top teams compete in the Finals in late September.
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Students will be guided to self-improvement by means of the internationally acclaimed Steps Method, combined with the program Chess for Beginners edited and recommended by the FIDE Chess in Schools Committee.
Lessons for school groups will be tailored to fit the time available (and can be scheduled before or after school, or during the lunch break). Generally there will be a short presentation of a new idea, followed by practice. Students might be split into small groups to analyse positions, or into pairs to play out endgames. Occasionally they might all play against the coach. Free lessons in chess and Interschools rules for the teacher are included!
Basic rate $10 per lesson per student, preferably paid in advance for the full term (number of weeks to be decided by consultation with parents and the school).
Lessons can be arranged by the school, or by the teacher in charge of chess at the school, or by a group of parents coordinating together. In any case, you will need to arrange the use of a room at the school, and payment of the course fees.
Tests for NZCF badges (Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook) and be arranged.